Monday, December 7, 2015

Session #37: The Meeting Behind Enemy Lines

As the party stopped to catch their breath after the fight, they became aware of two figures coming through the trees, an odd-looking human male and a Dragonborn female. The party was naturally wary and suspicious, and when the two figures saw them, they were on their guard as well. But they did not attack, and announced themselves to be Kurtz and Yseult, the only two survivors of a Brelish mercenary group sent into Droaam to strike back at raiders.

The party was unsure of whether to trust these newcomers, but it quickly became apparent they had the same goals and masters (Kurtz & Yseult work for The Lady Orla Donella, another Breland noble) and that they were going to charge into the danger that they could all sense coming from the fortress. This combined party made their way to the fortress walls, examining it and each other warily.

They looked around for a little bit, remaining unnoticed. Their investigations were not terribly successful, but they had all come too far to turn back now, especially when their employers would almost certainly expect them to finish the job. So they braced themselves for the fight ahead and made ready to kick in the front door.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Session #36: Wearied, Worried, and Warry

The party looked around at the goblins surrounding them. As the goblins began to move towards them, Taumir notched an arrow in his bow, Edge put his sword out, and Azeri tried to reason with them. The goblins were intimidated enough by the sight of these warriors putting down two illithids and their hired muscle, and charmed enough by Azeri, that they stopped coming forward and gave the party their inaction. Taumir had the pluck to ask them questions about the illithids, which they mainly answered with half-hearted grunts and pointed looks. From this the party was still able to learn that the illithids commands the goblins and their ilk, and that they came came from a spot further up the Scar River.

Edge stuffed Tselem's corpse in the bag of holding, and the three survivors hurried north along the riverbank. After about an hour's journey, they came to a copse of trees with a clearing in the middle that they felt they could hole up in for the evening (by now it was dusk). Azeri set to work casting Raise Dead on Tselem (the components for which cost every party member 1,250 GP). She did not finish till it was already the wee hours of the morning, and Taumir had long since fallen asleep. When Tselem finally rose, Azeri welcomed him back and then fell dead asleep in her bedroll. Edge also said hi from where he stood watch, then roused Taumir for him to keep watch for the next several hours. Tselem said little and lay down until morning, keeping a small magical light burning over his head the whole time.

Around mid-morning (16 Lharvion), Azeri awoke, and the party discussed what to do next. They agreed they should continue to head north, following the river - as much as Tselem was not keen on running into the illithids again, they had after all been hired to discover what they were up to.

About this time, a boat came sailing past on the river. The party tried to make themselves hidden, but the crew could clearly see them. The party changed tactics and shouted out, would they be willing to take them along as passengers, and the captain shouted back that it would be 100 GP each. The party decided that was too steep and let the ship pass on by.

For the next two days, the party followed the river going north. Around noon on 18 Lharvion, they began to feel psychic pressure yet again. They looked around and saw a building about 1,000 yards further inland. As much as they dreaded another illithid encounter, they began to make their way towards it, trying to be sneaky. They were not very successful at this however, and when they were about halfway there, they were set upon by two drow. The drow were able to web their opponents in place several times, but the party still dispatched of them easily.

  • 2,400 XP each. Time to level up!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Session #35: The City of Death

The battle in the docks raged on. In time, the trolls also fell, but the last illithid refused to expire. Again and again he dominated Edge and cut the knees out from under the rest of the party. His blows fell especially hard on Tselem, and in the end, the shapeshifter was unable to withstand them. In a final horrible move, the illithid knocked Tselem unconscious and split open his skull, killing him instantly.

The horrified party rallied the last of the their strength and finally tore the illithid apart. Exhausted and stricken with grief, they looked around and realized they were in the midst of a goblin city, surrounded by enemies, with not much left in the tank to face what comes next.

  • 10,114 XP each.
  • Elven Cloak +4 (Player's Handbook, p. 250).
  • Everyone has gained 1 action point.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Session #34: The City of Fear

Baron von Mucharsen turned out to be a very amiable individual who was more than happy to hire them. He said he was very impressed by how easily they dispatched those ogres, and was open to their desire to take on special assignments. He said that Breland had already sent two different forces to try and seize the city of Vralkek. Due to it's position on the central Scar River, taking the city would be a big strategic advantage, but both forces had been completely annihilated, and the Baron didn't know why. Would the party be willing to go and see what they could find, and report back (either in person or via sending a message)? The party agreed, to the tune of 100 GP per month (per member).

The party didn't have much to do in town, so they pretty much went straight to the boat the Baron had chartered for them. Their journey to Vralkek took three days, taking them down Wroat Creek, into the Dagger River, out into the Thunder Sea, and north to Manta Bay.

Around noon on 15 Lharvion, the captain of the ship landed on a cape about an hour's walk southeast of the city. The party made their way towards it, debating their course of action. When they arrived there, they found it had high stone walls with guards atop them. Tselem decided to disguise himself as a goblin and go look around inside the city. Taumir decided to sneak along the walls themselves and see what he could find. Edge and Azeri felt these course of action were not particularly wise, but they decided to try and sneak in themselves. They were seen almost immediately, but they managed to avoid the 'citizen' that had spotted them and start making their way down the coast towards the docks.

Inside the city, Tselem-goblin initially didn't find much of interest, so he headed down to the docks. Taumir utterly failed to find anything of note on or around the walls, but he remained unseen as he too made his way around the walls to the docks. Edge and Azeri were able to sneak onto the piers as well.

Down at the docks, Tselem was still loitering about when he noticed a strange figure in a dark cloak. This figure was giving orders to some trolls, and the goblins of the city were treating it with great deference. As Tselem watched, he noticed that he was having trouble concentrating, almost as if there was a psychic field present. Then the figure turned and Tselem saw the squid-like face of the creature. He wondered - could this be one of the feared illithids he'd heard such dark tales about?

Tselem decided to put some distance between him and figure. At that moment, he noticed Edge and Azeri staying out of sight behind some boxes, and started moving towards them. At this, the illithid began coming towards them. He apparently saw through Tselem's disguise, for he summoned another one of his kind, two trolls and three grimlocks, and they attacked the party!

At the sound of the commotion, Taumir finally located his fellows, but he had a lot of ground to cover before he could reach them. A close-quarters battle formed between the other three party members and the creatures. Azeri was in rare form - she used several well-placed divine attacks, and the party quickly dispatched the grimlocks and the second illithid. The trolls and the first illithid did not retire so easily, though, and by the time Taumir joined the fray, the outcome of the fight was by no means certain...

  • 1,000 XP each for Azeri, Taumir, and Tselem (I'm treating the repeated skill checks you did as a skill encounter)
  • 1,000 GP total (this is found treasure - the Baron has not paid you yet).

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Session #33: The Flight & the Mercy

The last two fire creatures did not make it easy, but in the end the party struck them down as well. Elane continued trying to attack Azeri as she lay there, but once the last of her allies died, she became strangely still and quiet. The party was exhausted, night had fallen, and while they were outside of town, they were close enough to populated areas that the fight was bound to have attracted some attention. They took their captive, hustled into the woods, and settled in for the night.

That night, as the party slept, Azeri awakened and, in a rather amazing display of stealth, slipped past Edge, who was keeping watch, and took the still bound Elane away, deeper into the forest. There, she confronted the Silver Flame cleric about her betrayal, demanding to know the reason. Elane gave none beyond what she had said earlier in the evening, and was dismissive and rude to her captor. Despite this, Azeri didn't have the heart to execute her, and set her free, telling her that this was her last chance. Elane pondered this for a second, then fled for her life.

When the rest of the party awoke the next morning (6 Lharvion), they were surprised and annoyed at Azeri's actions, but they decided the only prudent thing to do at this point was to get the heck out of here, especially considering the number of power players they were now wanted by had reached a half-dozen or more. They decided that they weren't going to have any luck with the ritual until they could gain more magical knowledge, and they couldn't do that skulking around in the bushes of the world. So they decided to head to Breland (specifically the capital city of Wroat) and try to join the war effort.

The party made their way south to the city of Sigilstar, a day's journey. Fortunately, despite their wanted status, the day passed without incident. The next day (7 Lharvion), they made it as far as Nathyrr, but there they were stopped by suspicious guards at a checkpoint. They were able to bluff their way through though. An hour or so later they passed over the Brey River into Breland, and breathed a sigh of relief - here they should be less hunted.

The next few days were uneventful as they traveled the major highway through the fields and plains of Breland to Wroat. Around noon on the 12th day of Lharvion, they finally arrived. After making some inquiries, they decided to seek out a certain Baron von Mucharsen, a man supplying the Brelish government with soldiers.

They approached his house in the center of the city and offered their services as elite troops or even spies. The chamberlain there seemed bored by their offer, and ushered them into a courtyard to give them a 'test.' The test turned out to be three ogres, whom the party dispatched with almost no effort at all. The chamberlain was stunned speechless, and invited them to come meet with the Baron personally.

  • 9,100 XP each! Time to level up to 16!
  • You found a Spirit Shield +4 (Player's Handbook 2, p. 203).
  • You found a Lifedrinker weapon +3 (Player's Handbook, p. 235).
  • You found 8,500 GP (total).

Monday, August 17, 2015

Session #32: The Renewed Betrayal

As the party thought about it, they suddenly all saw in their minds a vision of Elfrich, who said to them: "Sentinels from Olath coming to apprehend you, dead or alive. Elane will protect you. Get out now. Meet us in Flamekeep." (Olath in a city a few hours journey away.)

The party decided to heed his warning and made the several hour journey to Flamekeep, arriving there that evening. They found the headquarters of the Church of the Silver Flame, and were there guided to a chamber where Elane and Elfrich were waiting for them.

Elane explained that political circumstances are conspiring against the party. Thrane and House Deneith were cracking down on past enemies, so the warrants for Taumir and Edge were being actively pursued now, and Azeri was still wanted in connection with the incident at Askelios (the victims had forgiven Azeri, but the law of course did not know that). Elane said that she wanted to help and protect them - she was very grateful for the work they did in bringing down Zelian. She proposed giving them new identities and sending them away from Aundair and Thrane. The party though this was a good idea, so they followed her to the outskirts of Flamekeep, to the church that they had launched their first expedition from.

Before leaving Flamekeep, Elfrich begged their forgiveness for his part in their troubles, and they frankly forgave him.

As they walked to the church, Elane seemed quiet, pensive. When she finally decided to speak, she said she had a confession to make.

"I think, considering the circumstances, that I should be honest with you. The day we met at Reita's home, well, that wasn't the first time I'd heard of you. You see, it was me who brought you all together in the first place. The day you all met in Passage - I had arranged for you to meet and come together. I knew what Zelian and House Deneith had done to your people, Taumir, and to your friend, Tselem, and to you personally, Edge, and I wanted to bring you together to defeat him. I had to let you come to your own realizations of why he was your enemy of course, since none of you knew."

The party was surprised by this revelation, but not concerned. They asked a few questions, and continued their journey.

When they reached the church, to their alarm. the doors came open and about a dozen creatures of fire and stone stepped out. The party immediately realized that Elane had double-crossed them. She did not even attempt to deny it. "You understand, of course, that I can't have Zelian's death linked to the Church of the Silver Flame, or me. I am sorry. But after all, you are all wanted criminals and a [racial slur for changelings]."

And with that, Elane stabbed Elfrich through the heart, killing him instantly, and began walking away.

The creatures rushed at the party, clearly intent on their destruction. Azeri and Tselem threw up magical barriers that slowed their approach, and sent forth several blasts of magical power that took out multiple opponents at once. They also weren't about to let Elane get away that easily either. The over-confident cleric was brought down under an overwhelming attack, and began to bleed to death there on the field. As the party dealt with the more serious opponents, Elane was bound and brought back from the brink of death. The treacherous churchlady proved to still be an annoyance - even bound, she managed to strike at Azeri a few times.

Within short order, only two of the attacking creatures remained, and the party was beating them down. Still, the creatures were not done yet...

(Nothing yet, encounter is still ongoing)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Session #31: The Ghosts of the Lost

The party defeated these Yuan-ti mercenaries, and continued the long journey back the way they had come. They made it to Zarash'ak by 22 Nymm (two days later), and the next day they took a boat back to the northern coast. This time, they returned to Rekkenmark, arriving on the 3rd day of Lharvion.

In Rekkenmark, they took stock of the world situation, as well as their own. They learned that one Caraas d'Deneith had emerged as the leader of House Deneith. They did some research, and found out that the next best place to find someone to create a counter-ritual was the ruined city of Shadukar, just north of the Burnt Wood. Or at least it had been - Shadukar was reduced to a burned-out ruin in the Last War, and its refugees had spread out too far and wide to track them down as a group. The party didn't really have any other options though, so they decided to give the city a shot.

Getting there took the majority of 4 Lharvion - they arrived in the evening, and spent the night outside the ruins. The next day (5 Lharvion), they entered the city cautiously, not sure of what they would find. They eventually found a ruined temple that look promising, and slowly made their way inside. Their caution turned out to be wise, as once they had ventured deep enough in, they were attacked, of all things, by a malevolent altar! Azeri was able to recognize it as having been imbued with power from a dark god long ago, and attacking them now, years later. The party was able to use their weapons to break it down and stop the attack.

A quick look through the rest of the temple showed it to be empty and dead. The party stood in the ruins of the dead city, and wondered where there was to go next.

  • 7,200 XP each. Time to level up!
  • You have found a Fire Horn (Player's Handbook 2, p. 210).

Monday, June 8, 2015

Session #30: The Futility in the Swamp

The party followed the Order of the Lantern to their compound/village, and waited around for a while as the Order investigated the ritual. Tselem sat with them - even though they were much higher level than he, he wanted to keep an eye on them and the ritual. The Order eventually decided that they would be willing to buy the ritual from the party, to make a counter-ritual for House Tharashk, but were unwilling to sell one to the party directly. The party refused, and left, disgusted the whole affair.

The party decided to make their way back to Aundair, and began tramping back through the swamp towards the Lantern Tower and beyond. As they were on their way, they were stopped by a snake with a man's head, who began attacking them with several other snake-creatures. The party scored some powerful initial strikes, but then the battle became one of attrition...

(None yet, encounter still in progress)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Session #29: The Men in the Trees

(The party realized they had also found a Rod of Scouring Justice +4 [Player's Handbook 2, p. 206].)

The party turned to Miri, wanting to know why they had just been attacked by mummies. She was just as stunned and confused as them. She was especially freaked out by the fact that both she and Tselem had contracted mummy rot from the encounter, making it harder for them to recover.

They all cautiously approached the reading room at the end of the hall, but no further attacks came. Inside the room, they searched through the books and found the information they were looking for in pretty short order (no thanks to Taumir). From the literature, they learned that the people best suited to creating counter-rituals are the Order of the Lantern, a mysterious cult of half-orc clerics living in the Shadow Marches near the Lantern Tower. The party was not especially thrilled at this knowledge, considering the Shadow Marches were a long ways away, and not well traveled.

They all made their way out of the library basement, where Miri then took her leave of them. The party made their way to a House Jorasco healing station, where Azeri's membership in the house got them in right away, if not much in the way of discounts. Tselem got himself healed from the mummy rot, and he then purchased a healing for Miri as well. (He sent her a message through House Sivis' magical post office.)

The party then went about figuring out how to get to the Lantern Tower. They went to the local House Orien teleportation station, and the flunky at the front desk told them the only way to get there was to travel to a port city (a trip of several days), then take a boat to Zarash'ak (a journey of a week), then travel through the dangerous marshes for another day or two to reach the tower. He was very blunt in his evaluation of their chances - "you'll probably die." Tselem was annoyed, and asked to speak with a manager. The manager was suitably impressed by their House connections that he was more polite and helpful, but told them the same thing - no one ever wants to go someplace that dangerous, so House Orien don't have services in that part of the world. The party heaved a collective sigh and prepared themselves for the long trip.

They traveled three days north to Otharaunt, where they boarded a ship that sailed around the western edge of Khorvaire, arriving in Zarash'ak a week later. They spent the night in the city, and while there learned that Thrane had joined Breland in the fight against Droaam. The next day they traveled to Glumtown, an aptly named place, where they couldn't even find an inn for the night and slept out under the stars. The next day, they made their way to the Lantern Tower, and were informed they had yet a little ways to go - when asked where they could find the Order of the Lantern, they were pointed in a vague direction that took them deeper in the forest. Which is how the party found themselves, in the cloudy mid-morning of the 20th day of Nymm, traipsing through the Lantern Swamp in the Shadow Marches on the southwestern end of Khorvaire, searching for the Order of the Lantern.

As they searched, they came into a larger clearing, and in the middle there were two trees far larger than most of the rest they had seen in the forest. As they looked around, to their astonishment, the two trees came to life and started attacking them! A furious battle ensued, in which these strange tree-beasts employed other, smaller trees in the area as foot-soldiers. The party was holding their own, but then Azeri realized she knew what these things were - they were Treants, guardians of the forest, and that they generally would not attack those who are friends of nature. In an attempt to convince the creatures that they fit that category, Azeri used her divine power to heal one of the creature's wounds, and then stepped from the battle to try to repair some of the greenery in the area. The Treants immediately took notice, and stopped their assault.

The Treants asked who they are, and why they are here. The party responded that they were looking for the Order of the Lantern. The Treants considered that, and then one lumbered off into the forest, ordering the party to stay put. About an hour later, three male half-orcs, carrying lanterns lit even during mid-day, came striding out of the gloom. They asked the party who they were and what they wanted. The party showed them the Grant Dragonmark ritual, and said they were here to see if a counter-ritual could be made. The Order of the Lantern considered that, and then beckoned the party to follow them deeper into the swamp.

  • 5,000 XP each.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Session #28: The Ritual Secrets

The party dusted themselves off from the battle, and decided to go out into the woods that surround Korth to make a copy of the ritual. Doing so took the better part of the day - Azeri did the copying while Edge and Taumir stood guard. As evening drew on, they returned to town and made plans to make their way to Fairhaven. They debated several methods, but in the end decided on the way that was fastest, and remarkably also the cheapest - lightning rail. They knew there was a price on their heads, but they also knew that the upheaval of the war and the House Deneith succession crisis provided enough cover noise that they could probably slip through town unnoticed. Still, they took no chances, and arrived and boarded seperately.

The three day journey to Fairhaven was for once, completely uneventful. They did however learn some important world news: Breland had attacked Droaam. The Eldeen Reaches responded by saying they will remain neutral. Some responded to this by saying it means they are cowards, hiding behind the Byeshk Mountains where Droaam can’t harass them. Zilargo started locking down its borders – it sees this conflict as a particularly bad omen, as Nymm is supposed to a month under the mark of hospitality and forgiveness.

On the 6th day of Nymm, the party arrived in Fairhaven. The University of Wynarn was closed already, so they found an inn and settled in for the night. The next morning, 7 Nymm, they followed Tselem onto campus to the office of Miri, a human woman who had been one of Tselem's teachers of magic. She was a sweet middle-aged lady who was happy to see her student again and to meet the newcomers.

After the pleasantries were aside, they showed the ritual to Miri. She was initially very skeptical that they had what they said they did, but after looking it over she realized to her astonishment that they had something extremely rare and valuable. Tselem asked if there was a way to create a counter-ritual, one that removes dragonmarks. Miri said through her shock that every ritual has its opposite, but it would require some very powerful magic, far beyond her knowledge. She said she might know where to look up some information on such things though - the restricted section of the library.

The party and Miri made their way to the library, then down several flights of stairs into a dusty, gloomy basement. As they made to enter the room at this level. they were suddenly attacked! Almost a dozen mummies emerged from the walls and set upon them! Miri was just as surprised, and joined in the fight, but she was no adventurer, and contributed very little, though she managed not to die. The party cut through their attackers and blasted them back into dust.

  • 4,750 XP each. Time to level up!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Session #27: The Uncertainty of the Victors

When the dawn came, the party deliberated for quite a while, trying to decide what to do next. Many different goals were proposed, and at times different party members were quite opposite in what they wanted to see happen with this ritual. In the end, they decided they needed more information than they had now, so they decided to travel to Fairhaven. Tselem wanted to know if there were ways to reverse the ritual and make it so they could remove dragonmarks, and believed his old teachers at the University of Wynarn could help. Taumir was less focused on the ritual's political uses and more interested in learning more about what his people had been seeking, but felt that Tselem was on the right track. Azeri had grown quite tired of politics and dragonmarks, but was interested in the Wynarn library, so agreed to come along. Edge felt this whole adventure was ill-advised, but was not ready to abandon the group.

As the party made ready to travel to Fairhaven, they were suddenly attacked by four human-looking individuals. The fight was intense, and vicious, and the party was thrown off balance by the fact that their enemies seemed almost to be swiping at them with claws more than attacking them with weapons. As the strangers began to falter at the party's tenacious counter-attack, however, these villains began to reveal themselves as Rakshasa, shape-changing tiger-like creatures. The battle left the party drained, but when it was done, the party remained standing, and their enemies all lay dead.

  • 4,800 XP each.
  • 10,300 GP total.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Session #26: The Greed of the Mror Holds

The party had several hours to kill before the return portal opened up, so they settled in for the night. It was uneventful, and the next mid-morning (2 Nymm), they stepped through the portal and arrived back at the Goradra Gap. From there, Vondal invited them to come to his home in Frostmantle for a celebration dinner, which they accepted. He arranged for another portal, and they stepped through to arrive in his living room.

Vondal's home was no mansion, but very fine and spacious. Vondal invited them to make themselves at home, and said he would summon them when it was dinner time. The party explored the house, availed themselves of the generous library, and wondered what their next move would be.

When dinner came, Vondal had invited a few of his friends, but made no introductions. The party asked him what was to happen next, and it became clear that Vondal was cutting them out of the deal they had made. He had no intention of democratizing dragonmarks - he wanted to sell them to the highest bidder! The party left the dinner feeling annoyed and betrayed, and resolved to do something about it that evening.

Around midnight, while all the rest slept, the party awoke. Azeri made ready to cast a portal while the rest searched for where Vondal had hidden the ritual. After some doing, they found a locked box in a locked room in the basement that seemed the most likely culprit. As they headed back upstairs though, Vondal was alerted to their prescence and came after them. A short but intense battle ensued. It was cut short by Azeri casting the portal and bringing the party to Korth, and closing it before Vondal could follow them through.

The party, now in Korth in the very wee hours of the morning of 3 Nymm, found a inn and set to work opening the locked box. To their delight and relief, it contained the ritual they sought!

  • 1,000 XP each.
  • 1,800 GP total (looted while searching)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Session #25: The Quest for more money

Vondal explained that to perform the Grant Dragonmark ritual that the Whisper Wood elves had developed, they would need moon slivers. Moon slivers are pieces of the seventh moon that fell to earth and burned into diamonds as they fell. They are actually not too hard to find because they fall with some regularity onto the northern island of Orthoss. However, a century ago, a group of Driders (evil spider centaurs) moved in and claimed the Stargrounds as their own, and now kill any who try to come and collect moon slivers.

The party was unintimidated, and said they were ready to leave anytime. Vondal led them to the House Orien teleportation station nearby. (There were no fixed portals on Orthoss, but Vondal's money had allowed him to buy a premium service where House Orien will try to return them from the spot they were 'dropped off'' until they either return or their bodies are recovered.)

Within moments of arriving in Orthoss, four Driders attacked. Vondal hid behind a tree and left the party to contend with the creatures. They didn't exactly make short work of them, but by the time evening fell on this 1st day of Nymm, the Driders were all dead, and the party was still alive.

  • 4,000 XP each. Time to level up!
  • You collected approximately 1,000 moon slivers (total). They're worth about 5 GP each on the open market.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Session #24: The People of the Plains

The party wailed on the Lizardfolk - their numbers were intimidating, but the fight went in the party's favor. At one point, one of them attempted to attack Tselem, at which point Edge shielded his ally by stabbing the lizardfolk through the chest and slinging its corpse across the field! Needless to say, within just a few short minutes, the party stood victorious!

As the dust settled, they realized their victory was a little Pyrrhic - the lizardfolk had slaughtered all the crew of the ship. The party found themselves alone and unattended on the docks that evening. They decided to heck with their mission, and beat it out of town, spending the night in one of the the pleasant forests that surround Newthrone.

The next day (19 Dravago), the party decided that not only did they not want to have anything to do with Newthrone and/or Riedra annexing the Talenta Plains, they also weren't going to sit idly by while it happened. They decided to try and contact the leadership of the halfling clans that roamed the Plains, so they made their way through the forests and trails of Q'barra, and then though the passes of the Endworld Mountains, and arrived on the other side, at the edge of the Blade Desert, three days later, on the evening of 22 Dravago. The next day was spent wandering the Desert, trying to get in contact with one of the halfling clans. It would be another day however (mid morning on 24 Dravago) before they finally caught up to one,

The halfing caravan, which appeared to be a family of traders, was curious and cautious but friendly to the party. One of the first people they met was a girl named Shaena, who directed them to her father. From these two the party learned that a great gathering of the clans was taking place in just a day or two, and the leader of the clans would be meeting with his fellow chieftains. The party decided this was the perfect opportunity to give their warning, and asked if they could come along to the gathering, to which Shaena's clan agreed.

The travelers arrived at the gathering place late that evening. Some of the party decided to get a feel of the camp, and wandered around, listening for gossip and news. As they were doing so, they ran into a dwarf named Travok. He was amiable, and told the party how he was there to try and make a business deal with the clans. In the course of conversation, Taumir asked if he knew anything about the 13th moon. Travok tried to hide his interest and even outright astonishment, but the party could tell they'd hit a nerve. Travok said his employer, one Vondal, would be extremely interested in meeting the party, and would they like to accompany him once the gathering was over? The party agreed, then went to bed.

The gathering the next day was a sight to behold. It was a bustling bazaar, a grand festival, a political rally, and a family reunion all rolled into one. The party was able to gain an audience with the 'president' of the clans, and gave their warning that Q'barra might attempt to invade. He thanked them for their warning and promised to take it seriously.

The next morning (26 Dravago), as the clans were beginning to pack up and depart, Travok approached them and asked if they still wanted to travel with him to meet Vondal. They said they did, and they all departed for the Ironroot Mountains. The journey took a few days, and they did not arrive at the Goradra Gap until 1 Nymm. A trading post sat there, nestled under the intimidating peaks that guarded the way to the Mror Holds, the dwarven lands. There they were met by Vondal.

Vondal was in fact extremely excited to see them. It turned out that he had at one point been very involved with the work of the Whisper Wood elves. He knew as the party did that they had developed a way to give dragonmarks to any person. Vondal saw this is a big opportunity, a way to shift the balance of power in this world in a serious way, to end the monopoly the Draongmarked had over the rest of the people of the world. He persuaded the party to join him in his goal of making the Whisper Wood elves' technique available to everyone. The party was naturally a little cautious, but they felt Vondal was being honest with them, and Taumir especially was excited to be reconnecting with his past after all this time.

There were still some things that had to be done before they could truly begin though, as Vondal began to explain...

  • 3,500 XP each.
  • 4,400 GP total.
  • You found an Amulet of Protection +4 (p. 249 PHB).

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Session #23: The Arrogance of the Strangers

Lanamelk led the party through the bustling streets of Dar Reinoth to the Palace of the Three, the Inspired god-queens of the Reidra. As they walked, the party kept their eyes and ears sharp for the news of Khorvaire that was circulating. They learned that just a day or two ago, House Deneith had learned of Zelian's death in Droaam. They'd tried to keep in quiet, but within 24 hours everyone knew, and now tensions were escalating extremely rapidly. Everyone was blaming Droaam for the assassination, thinking this land of monsters was trying to undermine the Five Kingdoms. Breland, Droaam's neighbor, was especially incensed and on the warpath. Meanwhile, House Deneith itself has been thrown into turmoil, as Zelian had deliberately hoarded power and not groomed any heir, so now his lieutenants were squabbling amongst themselves, trying to gain control.

With these matters weighing heavily on their minds, the party entered the Palace of the Three. They had a lot of time to mull them over, as there were a lot of formality and ceremonies that they were required to pass through before they were admitted into the presence of the Three.

In the grand throne room, the Three sat impassive on their dais, while an Inspired male stood at the foot of the dais, announcing himself as the Voice of the Three, and translating between Common and Quori (which was all the Three would speak, and never directly to the party, which they couldn't understand anyway). The Voice relayed a message of great arrogance and condescension, and a order. The Three wanted the party to return to Khorvaire and persuade the king of New Galifar (part of the nation of Q'barra) to use the current turmoil as a platform to expand his influence, particularly over the neighboring Talenta Plains. Their stated reason was that this would bring greater stability and civilization to Khorvaire - privately, the party was aware that Redira had significant ties to Q'barra that were certainly driving this course of action.

The party had questions, and reservations, but it quickly became apparent they were not being asked. Unwilling to get into a fight at this time, they decided to accept, believing they could slip away from the Three's influence once they were back home. They then retired to the chambers that the Three had provided for them. The night passed uneventfully. (Taumir sent along a question about the Thirteenth Moon, and got a curt brush-off the next morning.)

The next morning, 13 Dravago, Lanamelk and some of her fellow Inspired Guardians came and escorted the party down to the docks, where they promptly set sail for Khorvaire! The trip was long, five days in the making. In their boredom, the party considered going to Xen'dirk instead, and seeking fame and fortune there, but decided they'd rather get home instead.

It was evening on 18 Dravago when they docked at Newthrone. Almost as soon as they disembarked, Lizardfolk began to swarm out of the sea around them and attacked! A huge crowd of them rushed the party, pinning them down in a swamp of bodies. Little did the lizardfolk know that this just made it easier for the party to hit more of them at once!

XP and GP will be awarded when the battle is over.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Session #22: The Unintentional Heretics

As the forest fell silent, the party decided to try and find some sort of civilization in this strange land. They easily found a well-used but humble road, and followed it north for an hour or two. They found a tiny farming village, but decided not to risk any entanglements with the locals that evening. They camped outside of town and rested after the fight.

The next morning, 10 Dravago, they were awakened by the sounds of the farmers getting up to go about their daily labors. (The farmer's fields were to the west of the village, so the party had to actively go into town to meet someone.) They hailed a farmer who called himself Zara - he was surprised to see them, and a little perplexed by the sight of Edge, but he seemed unafraid. He said the name of this village was Tranor, in the empire of Reidra. When asked questions about this land and this nation, he seemed both uninterested and unaware of much of anything beyond his village and his fields. He did suggest they travel to the capital city of Dar Reinoth, saying individuals of their mettle and skills would be valued by the Inspired, the mysterious rulers of his country. He then bid them farewell and headed off to his day of honest labor.

The party couldn't think of much else to pursue, so they decided to take Zara's advice. First though, they decided to head back to the clearing where they'd left the dragon's corpse and harvest the skin and scales. It was messy work, especially for Edge. The trip there and back and the time butchering the dead beast cost them most of the morning.

By mid-afternoon, the party had traveled a dozen miles or so north of Tranor when they saw three figures approaching from a distance. They were wary, but didn't see many places or reasons to hide themselves, so they decided to meet the strangers as they came. This proved to be a bad decision, as the three strangers, who were all kalashtar women, were servants of a race called the Inspired, who rule Riedra and had outlawed all worship of anything but the Path of the Inspired. Azeri, cleric of Ioun, was clearly not a follower of such. The women attacked with almost no warning, determined to bring her  and the rest of the party down. However, they quickly found themselves outmatched - the party slew two and was able to intimate the last into surrendering.

The remaining woman's name was Lanamelk. When she learned that the party was from Khorvaire, she softened her stance, and like Zara, said her masters would be greatly interested in meeting them. She offered to travel with them to  Dar Reinoth and make introductions there. The party agreed, feeling that they could escape from or kill Lanamelk relatively easily should the need arise.

The party and Lanamelk traveled north and west for the rest of the day, and camped overnight. The next day, 11 Dravago, they traveled for a few more hours before reaching a mid-sized city around mid-day. The party entertained the notion of slipping away from her while there, and Azeri did manage to sneak away long enough to buy some spell components, but in the end party decided to see their journey to the capital through. The afternoon and early evening passed uneventfully, and they all spent the night in an obscure country inn along the highway.

Around noon the next day (12 Dravago), the travelers arrived in Dar Reinoth, a great bustling metropolis. As they journeyed towards the center of town with Lanamelk, they listened to the crowds around them. It didn't take them long to discover that the big news, even here, was that Khorvaire was on the brink of war!

  • 2,500 XP each. Time to level up!
  • 4,000 GP total.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Session #21: The Forest of Fog & Teeth

The party fought bravely and resourcefully. The dragon was powerful, but they had many tricks up their sleeves that often thwarted the dragon's most powerful attacks. Once, the dragon managed to fly through a storm cage and attack two party members at once - but not only did he miss, but the party's defenses and reactions actually knocked the beast to the ground!

As the battle wore on, the party found themselves tiring out. Fortunately, they were able to muster some strong final blows, and at last the dragon fell to the ground, dead.

  • 3,500 XP each.
  • 5,000 GP total.
  • You found a Stormwalker Cloak +3 (Player's Handbook, p. 251).

Monday, January 12, 2015

Session #20: The Unexpected Exile

The party decided that they wanted to get some old questions answered, and that step one in doing that would be to raise Elfrich from the dead. As doing so would take eight hours of Azeri's time, and it was already night, they found lodging and retired to tackle that project the next day.

Raising Elfrich was the work of most of the 8th day of Dravago. Edge kept watch while Azeri was casting the ritual. At long last, it was completed, and Elfrich opened his very surprised eyes. The party demanded to know if he had knowingly betrayed them, and if so, why. He hung his head, and said that, yes, he had done it all on purpose. Zelian had gotten to him, and forced him to do it. They asked why he'd activated the hidden bomb when he knew what would happen - he replied that by that point it was either they killed him or Zelian did, so it didn't seem to matter.

The party was not pacified by his answers, but wasn't about to kill him when they had just spent a great deal of time and money bringing him back to life. They informed him that he owed them for that; he is in their debt. And to repay that debt, they said, he will gather information for them now, and they'll call on him when they need him. Elfich was grateful, and said he planned to set up shop in Ghalt, a city none too far from Passage. After obtaining their leave to go, he fled into the waning light of the evening.

The party decided their next move was going to be to head to Tselem's alma mater in Fairhaven, University of Wynarn, to meet with an old professor of his, and continue pursuing other unanswered questions. Thus resolved, they headed to the nearest House Orien teleportation station. On their way however, they were met by a Dragonborn male named Kriv. Kriv knew they had taken down Zelian, or rather Kriv's master did, and had asked Kriv to 'invite' them to meet with his master.

The party was naturally very guarded, especially since Kriv would not say who his master was (though it seemed pretty likely it was a dragon) or what exactly he wanted. Kriv made it very clear though that he did not intend to take no for an answer, but neither was he in possession of all the facts. The party debated for a time, and then decided to accept. Kriv led them down to the docks on the shores of Silver Lake, where they boarded a galleon going to Drum Keep on the far side of the lake. (Kriv insisted they pay their own way, which annoyed them, so Edge paid for everyone, including Kriv, as a nose-thumbing gesture.)

It was night by the time the boat set sail. The party bedded down in the passenger bunks (such as they were) below deck. The boat arrived at Drum Keep very early the next morning, but the crew did not ask the passengers to disembark until dawn arrived on the morning of 9 Dravago. Drum Keep was a busy though not particularly noteworthy fort, and the party did not really have any reason to linger, so they followed Kriv an hour's journey into the desert beyond.

At long last, Kriv stopped and declared they had arrived, then stepped to one side. A moment later, a great brown dragon emerged from beneath the sand. Kriv's master was indeed a dragon, and his name was Khamsin. Khamsin greeted the party cordially enough for dragon, but quickly made it clear he had a bone to pick with them. Killing the leader of one of the Dragonmarked Houses, at least according to him, was interfering with the Draconic Prophesy. The party asked to know how so, but Khamsin loftily refused to entertain such questions. To him, there was only one course of action - the party must leave Khorvaire entirely, so as to not interfere any further. The party was naturally reluctant, but they were also reluctant to take on a dragon of Khamsin's stature, so they agreed to his terms.

Khamsin opened a portal to Sarlona, the other great civilized continent of the world, and ushered the group through. They found themselves in the midst of swampy, humid forest. It had been morning in Khorvaire, but now they were literally on the other side of the world, and it was evening.  The portal closed beyond them, leaving to wonder what was going to happen next.

They didn't have long to ponder. Through the trees a crashing was heard, and then a ferocious green dragon burst into the clearing where they stood. It wasted no time attacking them. The party fought back bravely, wondering if this was just bad luck ... or if they'd just been played.

(Nothing yet, since the encounter is still on-going)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Session #19: The New Paths

The party headed back to Sylbaran, where Elane announced her intention to part ways with them and make her way back to Flamekeep. Her goal had been accomplished, and Zelian was eliminated.

The party arrived at Sylbaran on the 7th day of Dravago, as the spring night was falling.