Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Session #22: The Unintentional Heretics

As the forest fell silent, the party decided to try and find some sort of civilization in this strange land. They easily found a well-used but humble road, and followed it north for an hour or two. They found a tiny farming village, but decided not to risk any entanglements with the locals that evening. They camped outside of town and rested after the fight.

The next morning, 10 Dravago, they were awakened by the sounds of the farmers getting up to go about their daily labors. (The farmer's fields were to the west of the village, so the party had to actively go into town to meet someone.) They hailed a farmer who called himself Zara - he was surprised to see them, and a little perplexed by the sight of Edge, but he seemed unafraid. He said the name of this village was Tranor, in the empire of Reidra. When asked questions about this land and this nation, he seemed both uninterested and unaware of much of anything beyond his village and his fields. He did suggest they travel to the capital city of Dar Reinoth, saying individuals of their mettle and skills would be valued by the Inspired, the mysterious rulers of his country. He then bid them farewell and headed off to his day of honest labor.

The party couldn't think of much else to pursue, so they decided to take Zara's advice. First though, they decided to head back to the clearing where they'd left the dragon's corpse and harvest the skin and scales. It was messy work, especially for Edge. The trip there and back and the time butchering the dead beast cost them most of the morning.

By mid-afternoon, the party had traveled a dozen miles or so north of Tranor when they saw three figures approaching from a distance. They were wary, but didn't see many places or reasons to hide themselves, so they decided to meet the strangers as they came. This proved to be a bad decision, as the three strangers, who were all kalashtar women, were servants of a race called the Inspired, who rule Riedra and had outlawed all worship of anything but the Path of the Inspired. Azeri, cleric of Ioun, was clearly not a follower of such. The women attacked with almost no warning, determined to bring her  and the rest of the party down. However, they quickly found themselves outmatched - the party slew two and was able to intimate the last into surrendering.

The remaining woman's name was Lanamelk. When she learned that the party was from Khorvaire, she softened her stance, and like Zara, said her masters would be greatly interested in meeting them. She offered to travel with them to  Dar Reinoth and make introductions there. The party agreed, feeling that they could escape from or kill Lanamelk relatively easily should the need arise.

The party and Lanamelk traveled north and west for the rest of the day, and camped overnight. The next day, 11 Dravago, they traveled for a few more hours before reaching a mid-sized city around mid-day. The party entertained the notion of slipping away from her while there, and Azeri did manage to sneak away long enough to buy some spell components, but in the end party decided to see their journey to the capital through. The afternoon and early evening passed uneventfully, and they all spent the night in an obscure country inn along the highway.

Around noon the next day (12 Dravago), the travelers arrived in Dar Reinoth, a great bustling metropolis. As they journeyed towards the center of town with Lanamelk, they listened to the crowds around them. It didn't take them long to discover that the big news, even here, was that Khorvaire was on the brink of war!

  • 2,500 XP each. Time to level up!
  • 4,000 GP total.

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