Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Session #33: The Flight & the Mercy

The last two fire creatures did not make it easy, but in the end the party struck them down as well. Elane continued trying to attack Azeri as she lay there, but once the last of her allies died, she became strangely still and quiet. The party was exhausted, night had fallen, and while they were outside of town, they were close enough to populated areas that the fight was bound to have attracted some attention. They took their captive, hustled into the woods, and settled in for the night.

That night, as the party slept, Azeri awakened and, in a rather amazing display of stealth, slipped past Edge, who was keeping watch, and took the still bound Elane away, deeper into the forest. There, she confronted the Silver Flame cleric about her betrayal, demanding to know the reason. Elane gave none beyond what she had said earlier in the evening, and was dismissive and rude to her captor. Despite this, Azeri didn't have the heart to execute her, and set her free, telling her that this was her last chance. Elane pondered this for a second, then fled for her life.

When the rest of the party awoke the next morning (6 Lharvion), they were surprised and annoyed at Azeri's actions, but they decided the only prudent thing to do at this point was to get the heck out of here, especially considering the number of power players they were now wanted by had reached a half-dozen or more. They decided that they weren't going to have any luck with the ritual until they could gain more magical knowledge, and they couldn't do that skulking around in the bushes of the world. So they decided to head to Breland (specifically the capital city of Wroat) and try to join the war effort.

The party made their way south to the city of Sigilstar, a day's journey. Fortunately, despite their wanted status, the day passed without incident. The next day (7 Lharvion), they made it as far as Nathyrr, but there they were stopped by suspicious guards at a checkpoint. They were able to bluff their way through though. An hour or so later they passed over the Brey River into Breland, and breathed a sigh of relief - here they should be less hunted.

The next few days were uneventful as they traveled the major highway through the fields and plains of Breland to Wroat. Around noon on the 12th day of Lharvion, they finally arrived. After making some inquiries, they decided to seek out a certain Baron von Mucharsen, a man supplying the Brelish government with soldiers.

They approached his house in the center of the city and offered their services as elite troops or even spies. The chamberlain there seemed bored by their offer, and ushered them into a courtyard to give them a 'test.' The test turned out to be three ogres, whom the party dispatched with almost no effort at all. The chamberlain was stunned speechless, and invited them to come meet with the Baron personally.

  • 9,100 XP each! Time to level up to 16!
  • You found a Spirit Shield +4 (Player's Handbook 2, p. 203).
  • You found a Lifedrinker weapon +3 (Player's Handbook, p. 235).
  • You found 8,500 GP (total).

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