Thursday, May 31, 2018

Session #71: The Knights of the 13th Moon

The thugs demanded money and charged at Taumir, Tselem, and Maak Tol, who were still guffawing at the absurdity of this moment. Taumir shot lighting bolts, Tselem blasted them with fire, and within seconds, three of the four thugs lay unconscious on the ground. The party took pity on the last thug and shoved him into a zone of vines Taumir had cast, trapping him and rendering him not a threat. Tselem went and fetched the local police, who came quickly. They apparently recognized the thugs as local frequent troublemakers, and were as astonished as the party that these rabble would try something like this. "Seriously guys," one of the cops asked, "why would you try to take on the Knights of the 13th Moon?"

Tselem, Taumir, and Maak Tol returned to the rendezvous point and returned to the cave. The next morning (2 Sypheros), they decided to make their way to Krona Peak, capital of the Mror Holds and the seat of House Kundarak. They wanted someplace more secure and accessible to stash the hoard, and figured the dwarven house and its vaults would be the best choice. (They'd considered going to Flamekeep, but had not had good luck selling a Rod of Forceful Invocation in Fairhaven a few days before, so decided to go straight to the top.)

So they teleported to Krona Peak, to the House Orien teleportation station. The attendant immediately recognized them and went into full fangirl mode. She led them to the main center of House Kundarak, where the party was again well received and ushered into a VIP lounge. They were given luxurious treatment for the short wait, and then who should appear but none other than Morrikan d'Kundarak, the head of the House himself!

The party explained that they had a large treasure hoard they needed to stash in the vaults, and negotiated with Morrikan for the arrangements, eventually agreeing on an initial setup fee of 100,000 GP and an annual account fee of 100,000 GP.  The setup was so that the House could create a semi-permanent portal for them to use to get the treasure into the vault to begin with. After all the agreements were signed, Morrikan said it would take them three days to get it all ready.

The party agreed and then went to go find a dealer to sell the afore-mentioned Rod to. They were able to find better dealers here in Krona Peak than in Fairhaven, and sold it off for a cool 2.1 million gold, netting them 525,000 gold each!

The party then returned to the cave, where they spent the next three days cataloging the hoard. They knew they had hit the mother-lode of course, but were still stunned to realize, at the end of their inventory, that the total value was around one billion gold!! (Not all of it was coin, about half was in items.) They separated out the fragile items and then got the rest of it ready to be transported.

On the morning of 5 Sypheros, they returned to Krona Peak, and then used the same gravity-assisted draining technique to 'drop' the hoard from the cave to the vault. It landed with the loudest and most satisfying crash they had ever heard.

  • 625 XP each

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