Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Session #69: The Culmination of their Efforts

The party emerged from the Mansion on the brisk morning of 26 Rhaan. Even in this tropical clime they could feel a little bite of autumn air. Little light penetrated the gloom of the jungle canopy, and the humid air hung thick and oppressive around them. But they felt confident and rested, and trekked deeper into the jungle.

After only a few moments, they came across an open area with a large pond in the middle. There were some bones scattered along the banks, and the dark, dank water seemed to be hiding something. Tselem scouted to one side, while the rest of the party investigated the other. They feel the presence of the dragon so near.

And then, with a great crest of water, the dragon burst from the pool! Tselem recognized this black wyrm - it was Ovisra, an ancient dragon who's history went back over two millennia. She had a fearsome reputation, and immediately began to live up to it, spraying the party with acid and surrounding herself with a cloud of gloom that made it difficult for them to see her.

The party was caught flat-footed by the appearance of their quarry after so many weeks of searching, and for a moment it seemed the dragon would have the upper hand. But then Tselem cast a vortex that yanked Ovisra out of the water and tossed her to the ground at the edge of the clearing. Seeing this, Azeri wasted no time casting her magical chariot and hovering above Ovisra, pinning her to the earth. The other party members took further advantage, casting spells and using attacks to restrain her further. Taumir used a nest of magical vines, and Maak Tol used his animal forms to sprout wings and join Azeri in the airborne pincer movement.

This combined assault left Ovisra unable to bring her full abilities to bear. She hissed, shot her acid, and raked her claws and tail, but the party's blows fell uninterrupted. Very soon, Ovisra was fighting for her very life! She cast the cloud of gloom over herself once more, but Azeri and Taumir used invisibility powers that stymied her other counter-attacks. Tselem then followed this up with blasts of fire and ice that left Ovisra bellowing with pain and rage!

The party pressed their assault. Now, it was only a matter of time.

No XP or GP yet, but all the bragging rights! This is amazing!

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