Saturday, September 10, 2016

Recap: The Rituals

Back in Session #28, the description of the Grant Dragonmark ritual was first published. I am reprinting it here in an expanded form, and for the first time, the Remove Dragonmark counter-ritual as well!


Level 10 Ritual
Casting Time: 4 hours
Reproduction Time: 16 hours
Component Cost: 5 moon slivers
Reproduction Cost: 1,000 GP
Market Price: (party can determine)
Key Skill: Arcana

You speak the incantation, calling on the power of the hidden thirteen moon, focusing on the individual who is to be the recipient of this blessing. When the ritual is ended, the chosen dragonmark appears on the person’s skin, which grants all of the abilities associated with that dragonmark as well.

This ritual has no effect on an individual who already has a dragonmark. It cannot be used to grant a second dragonmark to an individual, regardless of the existing dragonmark. If the target has had the Remove Dragonmark ritual performed on them (successfully or unsuccessfully) within the last twelve months, the ritual fails.

The Arcana check is performed at the beginning, and which mark is bestowed is decided then. If Arcana check fails the ritual cannot be performed that day.


Level 20 Ritual
Casting Time: 8 hours
Reproduction Time: 32 hours
Component Cost: 50 moon slivers
Reproduction Cost: 17,000 GP
Market Price: (party can determine)
Key Skill: Arcana

You speak the incantation, calling on the power of the hidden thirteen moon, focusing on the target/victim. When the ritual is ended, the target's dragonmark has been removed, and they no longer have access to the abilities that the dragonmark bestowed.

This ritual has no effect on an individual who does not currently have a dragonmark, but this does not stop the caster from performing the ritual and using it up. A concealed dragonmark (see Eberron Player's Guide, p. 116) can still be removed. A victim can only resist this ritual if they make an Arcana check at least twice that of the Arcana check of the caster performing the ritual. A removed dragonmark can be restored via the Grant Dragonmark ritual, but only after one year has passed.

The Arcana check is performed before the ritual is cast, and if Arcana check fails the ritual cannot be performed that day.

Arcana Check Result Dragonmarks that can be bestowed/removed
9 or lower (none, check fails)
10-20 Healing (Jurasco), Hospitality (Ghallanda), Passage (Orien), Scribing (Sivis), Handling (Vadalis)
20-30 Detection (Medani), Finding (Tharashk), Shadow (Phiarlan/Thuranni), Warding (Kundarak)
31 or higher Making (Cannith), Sentinel (Deneith), Storm (Lyrandar)

As you learned back in Session #25 (on 1 Nymn), moon slivers are pieces of the seventh moon that fell to earth and burned into diamonds as they fell. They only fall to a plain called the Stargrounds on the island of Orthoss (which is on the far northeastern edge of Khorvaire) and are plentiful there. But the Stargrounds is also home to a deadly clan of Driders who jealously guard that area and the slivers.

Errata 11/17/2016: DC values adjusted after some play-testing.

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