Monday, February 22, 2016

Session #39: The Darkness in their Minds

The party set about to explore the conquered fortress. They were relived to learn that there were no other traps or monsters hiding about. The main and upper levels were pretty boring - they found some loot, but there wasn't much else to see.

When they ventured down into the dungeon, however, it was a much different story. Here, tucked away in one of the dank cells was a human man. He emaciated, filthy, and clearly tramautized. The party tried to coax him out and speak to him, but if they so much as came near him he began to scream and flail. He also kept chanting, "Blackwater, Blackwater, Blackwater..."

The party decided they couldn't just leave him there, so Taumir used a knock-out potion he had to put the man out, at which point Edge flung him over his shoulder and carried him out. Having seen and found all there was to see, the party left the fortress behind.

They debated whether to return to Breland, and if so, how. But the poor wretch's chants of "Blackwater" had made them think of Blackwater Lake, a wicked place ever deeper inside Droaam. Perhaps there there was some connection to the illithids and other monsters that were threatening Breland. After some debate, they decided to go to the lake. This raised the question of whether to go through The Watching Wood, or around. Either way was risky, so they decided to just go through.

About an hour after they started their journey, the former prisoner woke up. He began having another fit, and threw himself off of Edge. He then screamed, "They come from Blackwater!" and tore off into the forest. The party sighed, and felt bad for him, but figured there was nothing more they could do for him, and moved on.

Three days later, late in the day on 21 Lhavrion, the party entered the Watching Wood. Naturally, there were immediately attacked. A swarm of ten ghouls, flesh-eating zombie-like creatures, came at them in the dim light of the dense forest. The party sprang into action, and scoured their enemies before them, slaying all ten!

  • 5,000 XP each!
    • By my count, this means Azeri and Taumir should level up to 18, but the rest of the party stays at level 17.
  • 33,000 GP total
  • You find a Fire Horn (Player's Handbook 2, p. 210)

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