Friday, January 8, 2016

Session #38: The Noise and the Fury

The party kicked in the front door to find a whole band of villains waiting for them - a few humans, a few demon-looking creatures, a few lizard-like creatures. A wild, close-quarters battle erupted in the entryway to the fortress. Arrows, spells, and swords flew through the air!

In short order, the humans they were facing were revealed instead to be Rakshasa, vicious, tiger-like humanoids with a flair for illusions. The party members hired by Baron Murchasen were naturally reminded of the time they faced some of these creatures about six weeks prior, but they could not make any connections. Not that they were particularly inclined to - they were fighting for their lives!

One by one, the foes that stood against the party fell. The last few hung on for a while, refusing to die, as the party wearied of fighting them, but in time they too succumbed. The fortress had been won!

  • 10,000 XP each!
  • 11,000 GP total.

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