Friday, September 6, 2019

Session #84: The Exarchs of the Platinum Trinity

Orisis spent a night and a day forging the weapon, during which time the party waited uneasily. (While there they learned it was now the 5th of Aryth). When the weapon was complete, it was truly a sight to behold. It was a great broadsword that glistened like polished onyx, black and deadly. It was longer even than Maak Tol was high. It was truly a godslaying weapon.

Only moments after Orisis handed the weapon to them and told them to be on their way, a great shining portal opened into the dungeon! All five stared in astonishment as a tall creature stepped through. He was clad in royal robes, and looked somewhat like a dragonborn, but was more dragon and more man than any dragonborn they'd ever seen. He was beautiful and regal, and shone like the sun.

Orisis demanded to know who he was and how he had managed to get through his anti-teleportation spells. The dragon-man gave him a passing glance and said, "That will be enough from you." He then waved his hand and the evil Orisis disintegrated into dust.

This newcomer now had the party's full attention. He introduced himself: "I am Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, God of justice, protection, nobility, and honor." He said that he and his fellow good deities had been watching the party for some time and had an invitation for them. "Come and see," he said, beckoning them to follow him through the portal.

The stunned party only hesitated for a moment, then followed him through.

They found themselves in the midst of the Astral Sea. Gold and diamonds shimmered around them, in the air, in the clouds, in the sea. It was the most beautiful and divine place they could image, and the very air around them was infused with peace and righteousness. Bahamut bid them follow him again, and led them to where two other deities joined them: Corellon, God of spring, beauty, and the arts (and nominally Taumir's deity), and Ioun, God of knowledge, skill, and prophesy (Azeri is a priest of Ioun).

Bahamut, Corellon, and Ioun told them a tale of how the evil gods Tiamat, Vecna, and Torog have formed an Unholy Trinity to try and free Kyber, the Dragon Below, the Underdark, from the coils of Eberron, the Dragon Between, and unleash the horrors of Kyber on the plane of Eberron. The Last War gave them the opportunity they needed to put their plans into motion: the chaos, the fear, the suffering, the despair made for perfect conditions. The Day of Mourning that destroyed Cyre was their work. In response, Bahamut, Corellon, and Ioun have formed themselves into The Platinum Trinity to combat their evil.

"And we have selected you," Bahamut says, "to be our Exarchs in Eberron." [Exarchs are like demi-gods, executors of the will of the gods.]

The party is stunned and honored. Still, they are not fools, and nothing, even from good deities, comes without price. The Platinum Trinity offered them great power, and the ability to finish their goal of slaying Tiamat, but what would be expected in return? Tselem especially was wary of being commanded to do things that he did not agree with. Bahamut was a tad nonplussed by this, but after discussing it with the other two, it was agreed that even as Excarchs, the Knights would have the latitude to refuse a task.

With these conditions agreed upon, the party was informed that there would be one final test to ensure they were ready for this great honor. The dragon Ashardalon has long terrorized the people of Breland from his lair in the Dragonwood. "Slay him for us, and for Eberron," the Trinity said, "and you will be ready at last to face Tiamat!"

  • You have advanced directly to level 30!

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