Monday, January 28, 2019

Sessions #76-78: The Large Green Monster (Parts I - III)

The party then turned to their new young friend. She told them she came from a tiny village somewhere in the extreme western edge of the Towering Wood. She had been abducted from her home by a devil, and the party realized it was probably the one they had fought earlier that day. She had been taken to Gorthol's lair but had managed to escape and now found herself here.

The party debated what to do, and decided to take Stassi back to her village. This wasn't going to be a straightforward task as the sheltered young girl had no real sense of where she was. But they got some general directions from her and set off for the west.

Two days later, around mid-day on 9 Sypheros, the party and Stassi had made their way a significant distance southeast. As they finished their mid-day meal, they heard a great rushing noise, like a hurricane coming towards them. They looked up and saw to their determination and dread that it was Gorthol, bearing down on them! The massive green dragon strafed them from the air, screaming curses at them for the loss of her children.

Tselem, thinking fast, cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion and thrust Stassi inside, to keep her safe for at least the next eight hours. The party cast swirling vortexes and burst of fire & lightning, while Gorthol whipped through the air, shoving them about with her fearful powers and blasting them with her poisonous breath. Both sides seemed evenly matched: the party dealt powerful blows, but Gorthol was relentless in her fury.

Gorthol's anger did not give way to cleverness, though, while the party had many tricks up their collective sleeves. Taumir and Tselem alike got very creative with their spells and magical items, very nearly trapping and even decapitating the dragon! Azeri cast her cloud chariot and Maak Tol cast his eagle form, and they met the dragon in the air. This mighty beast, who had kept a realm in her thrall for centuries, began to falter under the deluge of blows.

The party's onslaught forced her to land, and she found herself entangled with magic vines that left her unable to even lift her head. And at last she succumbed! The pillaging beast, the eater of children, who consorted with and ruled the demons and wraiths of the forest, lay dead, half-choked by underbrush.

The party was exultant in their triumph! They harvested the great beast's bones, which meant they finally had all the components needed for their epic ritual! They then entered the mansion themselves for a bit of a rest. (This proved a tad difficult as Gorthol had died on top of the entrance, but they made it work.)

It took another few days of traveling west, but on the evening of 12 Sypheros, they finally located Stassi's village and reunited her with her family! The village was the humblest of hamlets but the party was able to rest and gather a little information.

Tempted by the alleged proximity of now unguarded ancient dragon lair, the party asked Stassi and her people what they knew about it. It was precious little, but it was enough that the party decided to spend a few days searching for it. Alas, it all came to naught - the secrets of its hiding place had probably died with its mistress. So now (18 Sypheros) the party turned their attention to more pressing matters - finding Orisis in the Khyber Underdark and continuing their mission!

  • 55,000 XP each!
  • You found a Star Opal Ring (Player's Handbook p. 252)

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