Saturday, May 13, 2017

Session #52: The Wanderers in the Wilderness

In the aftermath of the battle, the party returned to Lathleer. They had decided to head to the Talenta Plains, partly to check up on the haflings, but also to make their way to the Endworld Mountains to find a red dragon to slay. They were thinking of using a House Orien teleportation station to take them Gatherhold, one of the few cities in the Talenta Plains, but the attendant at the station was snotty and the price was somewhat high (there wasn't much demand for travel to Gatherhold.) The party decided to go directly across the street and have Tselem cast Linked Portal to take them to Gatherhold instead. Tselem then sent a fig through the portal as a way of snubbing their noses as the attendant.

The party spent a quiet evening in Gatherhold (which is something of a ghost town during the late summer), and then next morning set on foot across the Plains towards the Blade Desert. They entered the desert on the 18th of Barrakas. They were hoping to make contact with Clan Ulantra, whose chief was Ostran, and whose daughter was Shaena, whom they had first encountered in the Desert months before. They did not happen upon Clan Ulantra that day, but they did meet another halfling clan, who told them they thought Clan Ulantra was traveling to the southeast. This other clan did say they thought there were some dragons to the northeast. In order to hide their purpose, the party headed southeast.

The next day they encountered another halfling clan, but again it was not Clan Ulantra. These halflings though said they had seen Clan Ulantra just a few days ago, heading north, so the party turned and headed that direction instead. The same scene repeated itself the next day as well with yet another halfling clan.

On 21 Barrakas, the party found Clan Ulantra! Ostran had fallen ill, and Shaena was more or less ruling in his stead. She welcomed the party, and they had a nice reunion with her and her father. She told the party that New Galifar had started building forts along the edge of the desert and was generally being a nuisance, but as of yet no real hostilities had broken out.

The party decided to stay the night with Clan Ulantra while planning their next move. That night, it was very dark - all twelve moons were hidden, and the stars, while beautiful, cast little illumination. The party was sound asleep, and then was rudely awakened as something began attacking them in the dark! Tselem created a torch, and the party was stunned to see huge mummies had invaded their tent! As befitting epic heroes of their caliber, they did not shrink from the fight, battling the mummies in these close quarters. The spells thrown around caught the tent on fire. The party members untangled themselves from the inferno, with the mummies still inside...

(nothing yet, encounter is still ongoing)

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