Friday, June 10, 2016

Sessions #42 & #43: The Angels in the Night (Parts I & II)

Session #42

Having arrived in Arashuul, the half-orcs, with the party tagging along, made their way to the House Tharashk enclave, where the half-orcs curtly dismissed the party, telling them to come back in the morning when the Order of the Lantern actually arrived. The party poked around town for a little while but found nothing of interest to do, so they found a local inn. They heard some gossip about the war, but not much else. They rented rooms in the inn for the evening, and went to bed relatively early (if you're not a half-orc engaged in half-orc pursuits, Arashuul is a pretty dull place).

The rooms were small, only allowing two occupants each, so Kurtz & Yseult took one, Azeri & Edge took another, and Taumir & Tselem took the next. They were all right next to each other on the same floor. Edge did not spend any time in the room though, preferring to stand in the narrow hallway keeping watch while he rested.

Around midnight, there were three simultaneous crashes. Into each of the rooms, through the window, burst an Angel of Vengence, showering the party first with shards of glass and then with blows from their longswords. The party leaped from their beds and began a pitched battle against the large, silent, glowing creatures. While the rest of the party could hear the sounds of a fight in Kurtz & Yseult's room, they couldn't see what was going on.

The party held their own against the creatures - knocking them out of windows, trapping them in storm cages, blasting them with fire & radiant light. But angels don't have a reputation for being relentless for nothing...

Session #43

The two angels facing the main group of the party suddenly transformed themselves into pillars of blue fire, tearing the roof off the rooms they were in and blasting their opponents. The party responded by hitting back with some of their most powerful attacks yet! It was still some time before they could bring the angels down, but in time, both creatures were vanquished!

During the course of the battle, Azeri had discovered that these angels bore marks that showed they were in the employ of Tiamat, the evil, many-headed dragon god. (Angels are unaligned and will serve any deity, they are mercenary in this fashion.) The party figured this meant the dragons were still not happy with how their ritual could interfere with the Draconic Prophesy, but seemed fairly unperturbed by this realization.

The party opened the door to Kurtz & Yseult's room to find that they had won a battle against an angel too, but at the cost of their lives.

The battle had been intense and attracted a lot of attention from the other guests and the innkeeper as well. He came up the stairs to their floor and was stunned to see his rooms had been completely trashed - the back walls and the roofs were almost gone! He ordered them out, but then Edge gave him the stink eye and the innkeeper realized these were not people to be trifled with, so he slunk off and went back to bed.

The next morning the party made a hasty exit, buried Kurtz & Yseult outside of town, and then went back to the House Tharashk enclave. There they finally met the Order of the Lantern again. The Order agreed to start working on the counter-ritual, and to share this time, and the party decided to hang around Arashuul for the week while the Order did their work.

The party then tracked down a local cleric who knew the Sending ritual, and sent a short message to Baron von Mucharsen updating them as their progress, an affair that cost 600 GP total.

  • You each receive 9,600 XP. It's time to level up again!
  • You found a Cloak of survival +4 (Player's Handbook p.250) that someone left in one of the rooms
  • You found 48,000 GP total.

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