Monday, March 23, 2015

Session #25: The Quest for more money

Vondal explained that to perform the Grant Dragonmark ritual that the Whisper Wood elves had developed, they would need moon slivers. Moon slivers are pieces of the seventh moon that fell to earth and burned into diamonds as they fell. They are actually not too hard to find because they fall with some regularity onto the northern island of Orthoss. However, a century ago, a group of Driders (evil spider centaurs) moved in and claimed the Stargrounds as their own, and now kill any who try to come and collect moon slivers.

The party was unintimidated, and said they were ready to leave anytime. Vondal led them to the House Orien teleportation station nearby. (There were no fixed portals on Orthoss, but Vondal's money had allowed him to buy a premium service where House Orien will try to return them from the spot they were 'dropped off'' until they either return or their bodies are recovered.)

Within moments of arriving in Orthoss, four Driders attacked. Vondal hid behind a tree and left the party to contend with the creatures. They didn't exactly make short work of them, but by the time evening fell on this 1st day of Nymm, the Driders were all dead, and the party was still alive.

  • 4,000 XP each. Time to level up!
  • You collected approximately 1,000 moon slivers (total). They're worth about 5 GP each on the open market.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Session #24: The People of the Plains

The party wailed on the Lizardfolk - their numbers were intimidating, but the fight went in the party's favor. At one point, one of them attempted to attack Tselem, at which point Edge shielded his ally by stabbing the lizardfolk through the chest and slinging its corpse across the field! Needless to say, within just a few short minutes, the party stood victorious!

As the dust settled, they realized their victory was a little Pyrrhic - the lizardfolk had slaughtered all the crew of the ship. The party found themselves alone and unattended on the docks that evening. They decided to heck with their mission, and beat it out of town, spending the night in one of the the pleasant forests that surround Newthrone.

The next day (19 Dravago), the party decided that not only did they not want to have anything to do with Newthrone and/or Riedra annexing the Talenta Plains, they also weren't going to sit idly by while it happened. They decided to try and contact the leadership of the halfling clans that roamed the Plains, so they made their way through the forests and trails of Q'barra, and then though the passes of the Endworld Mountains, and arrived on the other side, at the edge of the Blade Desert, three days later, on the evening of 22 Dravago. The next day was spent wandering the Desert, trying to get in contact with one of the halfling clans. It would be another day however (mid morning on 24 Dravago) before they finally caught up to one,

The halfing caravan, which appeared to be a family of traders, was curious and cautious but friendly to the party. One of the first people they met was a girl named Shaena, who directed them to her father. From these two the party learned that a great gathering of the clans was taking place in just a day or two, and the leader of the clans would be meeting with his fellow chieftains. The party decided this was the perfect opportunity to give their warning, and asked if they could come along to the gathering, to which Shaena's clan agreed.

The travelers arrived at the gathering place late that evening. Some of the party decided to get a feel of the camp, and wandered around, listening for gossip and news. As they were doing so, they ran into a dwarf named Travok. He was amiable, and told the party how he was there to try and make a business deal with the clans. In the course of conversation, Taumir asked if he knew anything about the 13th moon. Travok tried to hide his interest and even outright astonishment, but the party could tell they'd hit a nerve. Travok said his employer, one Vondal, would be extremely interested in meeting the party, and would they like to accompany him once the gathering was over? The party agreed, then went to bed.

The gathering the next day was a sight to behold. It was a bustling bazaar, a grand festival, a political rally, and a family reunion all rolled into one. The party was able to gain an audience with the 'president' of the clans, and gave their warning that Q'barra might attempt to invade. He thanked them for their warning and promised to take it seriously.

The next morning (26 Dravago), as the clans were beginning to pack up and depart, Travok approached them and asked if they still wanted to travel with him to meet Vondal. They said they did, and they all departed for the Ironroot Mountains. The journey took a few days, and they did not arrive at the Goradra Gap until 1 Nymm. A trading post sat there, nestled under the intimidating peaks that guarded the way to the Mror Holds, the dwarven lands. There they were met by Vondal.

Vondal was in fact extremely excited to see them. It turned out that he had at one point been very involved with the work of the Whisper Wood elves. He knew as the party did that they had developed a way to give dragonmarks to any person. Vondal saw this is a big opportunity, a way to shift the balance of power in this world in a serious way, to end the monopoly the Draongmarked had over the rest of the people of the world. He persuaded the party to join him in his goal of making the Whisper Wood elves' technique available to everyone. The party was naturally a little cautious, but they felt Vondal was being honest with them, and Taumir especially was excited to be reconnecting with his past after all this time.

There were still some things that had to be done before they could truly begin though, as Vondal began to explain...

  • 3,500 XP each.
  • 4,400 GP total.
  • You found an Amulet of Protection +4 (p. 249 PHB).