Monday, November 17, 2014

Session #15: The Sins of the Innocent

The party approached the house with trepidation, and their worse fears were quickly confirmed - Reita had found Akta dead in her bed that morning. The party, conscious of the rarity of raising someone from the dead, asked if they could go and see what state her body was in. They discovered a priest of the Silver Flame performing ceremonies for the dead over Akta. The party asked for some time alone, and ejected the priest, much to his protests and consternation. The party then brooked the question of whether Reita would like Akta resurrected. Despite the conflict of faith this should have presented for her, she readily agreed.

Casting the ritual took Azeri almost the entire day. That evening Akta finally stirred, and looked around in surprise at the people in her room. She knew nothing had even taken place - aside from the soreness where she had been stabbed, she felt no different than if she'd had a long night's sleep. Apparently she had been murdered while she slept. Reita of course fell on her daughter's neck and wept with joy, which unnerved Akta a bit.

As everyone was re-grouping, Tselem let slip that Zelian was Akta's father. Akta was stunned, and Reita was furious - apparently she had never wanted Akta to know. With this Reita decided to abandon this home and go stay with some family in the city of Owl's Perch, a few days journey to the north. She was so angry that she almost refused the party's help, but they were able to persuade her that she and her daughter didn't stand much of a chance without them.

As the tieflings frantically packed, Azeri decided to go into town and contact the Church of the Silver Flame to try and get a message to Elane. Reita had a message cube specifically for contacting Elane, but it wasn't working, which made the party extremely suspicious. They even started to wonder if maybe they were being double-crossed, or dismissed as collateral damage.

Azeri found a church, and was able to persuade the acolytes there to raise the vicar from his sleep. The vicar was a little put out by her request, but eventually agreed to send a message along.

When Azeri returned to the house, a plan was formulated. Tselem transformed to look like Akta, Azeri and Edge placed "her" in a coffin (not a cheap affair!), and then set off very publicly for a graveyard, staging a funeral procession. With the show distracting everyone else, Taumir took Reita and Akta and headed up the road (somewhat disgruntledly).

The funeral lasted till late at night. Once it was over, the three party members discreetly made their way out of town. They were just about clear when a passing dwarf lady stopped them to talk to Edge. She asked if he was the Edge who had served in the 31st Regiment. He confirmed he was, and she attempted to arrest him for murder! Three other dwarf females came to join in the arrest attempt. Edge and the party resisted for a moment, but then Edge decided to try a different tactic and surrendered to their authority. (These warriors were enforcers of the druidic cabal that tries to keep order in the Reaches; this cabal operates like a national government, but has very little actually power outside the cities that border Lake Galifar.)

Tselem and Azeri ducked into an alley and quickly made a plan. Tselem transformed himself into a nondescript human, and Azeri conjured her phantom steeds to ride with all haste to catch up to Taumir.

Edge's captors brought him to a House Orien teleportation station, and informed him he was being taken to a judge in Greenheart, the capital of the Reaches, some days away. At this Edge decided to drop the ruse and broke his bands. He and Tselem made off into the night, and after a long chase were able to elude the dwarves.

Azeri found Taumir and the tielfings, and after a heated discussion, it was agreed that Azeri would stay with them and camp for the night, waiting for the rest to join up with them again. Taumir rode the phantom steeds back to Varna, and after some searching found Edge and Tselem. The three of them fled town and rendezvoused with Azeri and the sleeping tielflings. Edge confessed that he was more or less guilty of the accusation - he had allowed his terrible, brutal captain to be killed during the war.

By this time it was the dead of night, almost getting into the wee hours of the morning. The party elected to sleep till they woke up, and it was mid-morning on the first day of Dravago before they roused once more.

  • 1,200 XP each.
  • You've found some Hydra Armor (Level 13, Player's Handbook, p. 230).
  • You've found a scroll with the ritual "Reversed Portal" (Player's Handbook 2, p. 216).
  • You managed to loot 2,400 GP total.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Session #14: The Pursuit of Madness

About halfway through the battle with the golems, the party seemed to find their stride, and hit back against their enemies, eventually polishing them off. Knowing that Zelian had probably teleported somewhere close, they left the house in hurry, slipping past the guards once again, and headed back into Atur. They were able to use the info from Elane to find a House Deneith teleportation 'station' hidden in the back of a shop. Tselem disguised herself as a Deneith official and was able to fool the guard into telling her that Zelian had been there recently, and had teleported back to Korth. The guard got a little suspicious when he saw her then go and talk to the party, so they made haste back to Korth, using phantom steeds to make the trip in about half the time.

By this time it was evening, and the party decided to pack it in for the evening. They found an out-of-the-way inn and settled in. Edge did a little scouting around, and ended up running into Elfrich, the old friend of Taumir who had helped them out before. He said he'd be able to help them again, so Edge arranged a time for them to meet the next day.

The party found Elfrich's turning up right now a little suspicious, so they decided to take a very cautious approach the next morning (which was 28 Eyre). Half the party remained hidden while the other half prepared to meet up. At first it looked like the old spy was going to be a no-show, but then they spotted him hiding somewhere else nearby. Elfrich acted very evasive, telling them Zelian had departed for Varna, and he eventually offered them a teleportation talisman. The party was wary, but accepted, and he invited them back to his apartment to use it. Upon arriving though, the party's magic users realized the talisman was not intended for teleportation, and Edge pinned Elfrich to the wall and demanded some answers. Elrich insisted he was being honest, and offered to use the talisman himself. They agreed, and he did, at which point the talisman exploded!

When the smoke and debris of Elfrich's apartment settled, Elfrich was dead, and the party was injured, but not particularly slowed down. Disgusted, the party stuffed his corpse into their bag of holding so they could question him later, and then headed to a House Orien public teleportation circle. From there they transported directly to Varna - it cost a fortune for each party member, but at least the waiting was over.

Once in Varna, they made a beeline for Reita & Akta's home. As they drew near, they saw a crowd gathered and Reita sobbing, and their hearts sank.

  • 3,000 XP each! Time to level up!