Saturday, September 20, 2014

Session #11: The Forward Motion

The party met up with Elane the next morning, and started off for Flamekeep. The trip took three days, meaning they arrived in the evening on the 24th day of Eyre. The party took to their lodgings, and the next morning Elane collected them and took them to a quiet, unassuming church on the outskirts of the city. In the basement of the church there was an armory, where Elane let them claim any equipment they liked, much to their delight!

As the party made their selections, Elane pulled Azeri aside and asked her why she was doing this, going on this quest. She was a little unsure, but said it was because we wanted to make herself, and the world, a better place. Elane seemed a little skeptical, and asked her what it would take to get her to walk away. Azeri said that wasn't going to happen. Elane said she just wanted to be sure that she wasn't going to cut and run, and now she knew. With that, she let her get back to her work.

After the party had gathered their equipment, they came upstairs to the church proper, where Elane filled them in on what she knew, some of the intelligence she'd gathered. She also gave them each 1,000 GP for expenses. She told them she'd arranged to have a boat transport them to Korth, where Zelian's home and base of operations is. There was some further discussion and Q&A, and then the party got ready to head out. Elane wished them luck and then went back down to the armory while the party headed for the door.

As they emerged from the church, they were confronted by four humans expressing their desire to avenge the deaths of the people of Askelios. And they had brought a hill giant with them! Tselem's stinking cloud served the party well during the battle, and these enemies were all defeated. One of them was left alive to be questioned; they discovered that these were actually House Deneith mercenaries who had also been persuaded by the widows of Askelios to exact vengeance on their behalf. The party brought some impressive intimidation to bear, and were able to to convince this survivor to go back and tell his superiors that the party has been dispatched. With this cover enacted, Elane said perhaps some more rapid travel might could be arranged.

  • 1,500 XP each
  • You found a Summer's Growth Totem (Player's Handbook 2, p. 209)

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