Monday, June 2, 2014

Session #1: The Streets

On the 8th day of the month of Eyre, in the year 998 YK, in the city of Passage in the nation of Aundair, on the continent of Khorvaire:

Azeri, a half-elf cleric of Ioun, was walking down the street, minding her own business, when a Spiretop Drake swooped down, bit her, and made off with her holy symbol! She turned to fight and get her property back. The ensuing commotion attracted the attention of Edge, a taciturn Warforged fighter, Taumir, a friendly elf ranger, and Akta, a reserved Tiefling wizard. They made relatively short work of the creatures, and then decided to go get a drink together to celebrate their victory.

While resting at a nearby tavern, they overheard some street merchant outside, an extremely enthusiastic halfling, trying to get people to enter into a drawing he was running. The prize was 5 tickets to the lightning rail, so the party decided to participate (though some of them took a little while to be convinced). To be entered in the drawing, the players had to be blindfolded and guess what substance was in a series of bowls that the merchant presented to them. They missed most of them, but they got an entry into the drawing anyway. After waiting an hour, the halfling drew a name out of a hat -- it was the party's one entry! They had won 5 tickets to the lightning rail!

They talked about it for a little while and decided to use their lucky tickets to investigate the Library of Korranberg in Zilargo, a good distance away. As they were heading to the rail station, however, they were confronted by two elves with pet hyenas who demanded all their money. The party was declined to acquiesce to their request, and a knock-down drag-out brawl ensued. Edge and Azeri nearly succumbed to the hyena's pack assault, but in the end the four assailants were dispatched.

During the course of the fight, one of the elves yelled out in pain, "By the thirteen moon!" This had piqued Taumir's interest, as he had grown up among a enclave of half-elves living near the Starpeaks who were searching for the thirteenth moon. The party did not leave their enemy alive to question him, but after his demise they searched his person and found a scroll indicating that he had some leads on what happened to the Starpeak enclave, and he was on his way to Fort Light to investigate further. The party decided to modify their plan, and head to Fort Light, at least on the way to the University.

  • 900 XP each!
  • On the elves you found 200 gp, which you can divide among the four of you (50 gp each).
  • You can divide up the 5 tickets however you wish. They're worth 5 gp each.

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