Monday, May 6, 2019

Session #83: The Use for a Devil

The party was not sure how much time had passed since the fight on the lake. Had it been two weeks, or only ten days? Time was so hard to tell here in the Underdark. At least the last two fights had given them something of a reputation, and no creatures dared molest them as they passed through the gloom, lonely and a little afraid.

Just as they were beginning to think they were hopelessly lost and would never find their way, they discovered a huge cavern. It had to be several thousand square meters large. The bones of many, many types of creatures were scattered on the ground. A dry, foreboding dust, and the stench of death hung thick in the cavern. And at the center of it, surrounded by a moat of lava, was a great fortress, with irregular black stones and a hunched, wicked expression to it.

The party was sure they'd finally found it: the lair of Orisis.

They were a little unsure of what to expect, but decided to plunge right in. No one stopped them from entering the foreboding fortress, and they soon made their way into a lower level, where their scrying had determined their host was. The underground room was something a cross between a morgue and a workshop. Orisis himself was an undead humanoid of indeterminate race. He was clothed in a cape of skin. He was unsurprised and unbothered as the party made their way into his chambers: he only grinned slyly.

The party told him of their errand. He named his usual price: defeat him in combat, and he would make them what they asked. He offered to do it for money, posing the enormous sum of 100 million gold, but the party was not willing to part with so much, and decided to go for the 'kick his ass' route. Orisis for his part was game: he clearly expected to win handily.

But on this day Orisis learned that the reputation of the Knights of the 13th Moon was well-deserved. He stood very little chance against them. The battle was fierce, but he was just one against four of the greatest warriors Eberron has ever known. Orisis was brought low, and defeated!

As he lay there, barley clinging to (un)life, the wicked creature used what little strength he had left to gasp out his congratulations. He would forge them their God-slaying sword!

  • 22,000 XP each!