Monday, March 26, 2018

Session #65: The Territory of the Vanquished

Their guide bid them farewell, and wished them luck on their travels through the territory of Clan Watros, which began on the other side of the river. Azeri and Maak Tol crossed the river first, with Tselem and Taumir hanging back. This turned out to be a good decision, since as soon as they were on the other side, a warrior of Clan Watros, flanked by several wild hunt hounds, attacked these intruders.

Azeri had had too much fun the night before and was very tired, and her heart wasn't in fighting another territorial dispute, so she hung back. Maak Tol reveled in the fray, and he was quickly joined by Taumir and Tselem. Tselem cast a few spells that seared their new enemies, as well as the riverbank, leaving much of the vegetation dead from acid burns. He then began to swim the river. Taumir stayed on the far bank, launching arrow after deadly arrow.

The protectors of Clan Watros were valiant, but not on the same level as the party. The bank and the river were soon stained red with their blood. After defeating them, the party tossed their bodies into the river. Taumir then leaped the entire way across the river, and the party marched off into the jungle, leaving their Clan Feymight guide supremely over-awed.

  • 16,000 XP each
  • 30,000 GP total

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Session #64: The Foolishness of the Factions

As the party moved through the jungle towards their guide's clan (Clan Feymight), the party, with their superior perception, became aware that they were being followed. They debated for a moment whether to tell their guide. When he was informed, he tried to act if nothing was happening, though he asked his new compatriots to describe the hidden Eladrin to him. The party related to him the colors they were wearing and he became agitated - this was Clan Ilzom, he declared, come to ambush them.

The group came to a fork in the jungle path, and the scout seemed unsure of how to proceed. Azeri however was tired of waiting for the ambush to be sprung, and called out to the hidden figures to just go ahead and make their move already! There was a moment of pregnant silence, then some muttered Elven curses, and the attack began!

These warriors of Clan Ilzom did not seem particularly interested in the party's neutrality or non-neutrality, they quickly moved to attack them just as surely as their guide. This turned out to be a grave error on their part, as they were badly, badly outmatched. Taumir used an attack that created lethal plants, and it crushed one of these warriors to death in an instant! Tselem was so impressed by it that he could not help but audibly mock how pathetic their opponents were. The rest of the party were similarly lethal, and in a very short order, the would-be ambushers lay dead. (Maak Tol went through their pockets and looked for lose change, but all he found were some scimitars - see "Rewards" below.)

The Clan Feymight scout stared in shock at the defeated enemies. His earlier arrogance and dismissiveness towards the party was now replaced by a downright sycophantic attitude. He wasted no time leading them the rest of the way to his clan's enclave. En route, Tselem tried to draw out of him why Clan Feymight and Clan Ilzom had been enemies for so long, and was treated to a rambling, semi-coherent mythology that told of some ancient feud. The story so bored him that he couldn't even remember it when it was done.

Arriving at the enclave, the rest of Clan Feymight regarded them with curiosity and suspicion. The scout led them directly to the elders, and told the tale of their victory! After the tale the elders were impressed and accommodating, though not much more welcoming. They granted the party several boons, including food and a place to spend the night. They agreed to lead the party deeper into the jungle, to the edge of their territory and the territory of a clan that was supposed to be near the realm of the dragon. Tselem was able to buy some rituals from them that would have been hard to find otherwise too (see "Rewards" below).

By this time it was evening. The party was treated to a fine meal, and was able to spend some time relaxing. Azeri entertained the clan's children, giving them annoying little trinkets, telling stories and playing pranks. Her fox (who had nipped at the attackers heels during that afternoon's battle) enjoyed running around and playing. Maak Tol was pleased to be surrounded by forest again, and was even able to capture and tame a small spitting drake!

The next morning, they arose early and hiked several hours further into the jungle. Azeri's fox trotted alongside her, while Maak Tol rode mounted on his new drake. Again Tselem tried to get the guide to share more of their history and culture and again tedious stories ensued. Taumir saw trees.

Around noon-day (on 24 Rhaan) they arrived at the edge of Clan Feymight's territory, where a modest river marked the boundary and the beginning of a new unknown.

  • 2,500 XP each
  • 2 Magic (+6) Scimitars (heavy blades - see Player's Handbook p. 235)
  • (Tselem is able to choose any three rituals scrolls level 20 or lower)