Monday, February 12, 2018

Session #63: The Search for More Foes

The party was still taking stock of their situation when a new threat appeared! Several dusty, dry skeletons shambled out of the darkness at the back of the cave and began to attack them. Evil magic radiated off them, and they tried to combine their powers against the party. But whatever horrors they had once had in store for hapless travelers seemed to have badly decayed, as the party was able to defeat them quickly.

The party decided there wasn't much to do but head back to Newthrone, arriving there in the afternoon of 19 Rhaan. The king was much more pleased than they by the outcome of their battle - he didn't care what the dragon was, he only cared that it was gone. True to his word, he agreed to deescalate the conflict with the Talenta Plains. True to their word, the party agreed to make introductions to Shaena. They drafted a letter and left it with the king.

The next day (20 Rhaan), they went back and looked at their map. After examining it and consulting the palace library, they decided they would travel to Ravar Orioth, also known as the Jungle of Simitars, on the southern edge of Valenar. They knew that this land was inhabited by warring Eladrin clans that they might have to fight their way through, but were confident that this would pose no real trouble. In fact, Azeri and Taumir were optimistic that, as part of elven bloodlines, they might be able to build a repertoire with these clans and help broker some peace.

Tselem disguised himself as an Eladrin and cast Linked Portal, transporting the party to Jal Paeridor, a mid-sized town in central Valenar. From there they took another three day journey south to Pylas Maradal, on the shores of the Kraken Bay. After a hearty lunch, they made their way into the outer edges of the thick, forbidding jungle (it now being 23 Rhaan).

They had scarcely entered the jungle when they encountered an Eladrin sentry. He demanded they leave his clan's territory immediately. The party was unintimidated, and let him know that they were there to slay the dragon that lived deep in the jungle. This caught his attention, as the dragon, though semi-mythical, had long cast a long shadow of fear and death across their lands. He agreed to let them come meet the clan elders and began to lead them deeper into the jungle.

  • 22,500 XP each!
  • You found a Cloak of Invisibility +6 (Player's Handbook p. 249)